We are going to make make it short and sweet, we are just 2 guys who use public transport daily and have had enough of people snooping and looking at our phones, so we decided to carefully create a place that you can come to buy one of the highest reviewed and highest quality ANTI-SPY GLASS on the market.

Who are we? We are a new up and coming company here to provide you with some privacy that does not come easy nowadays, whether it be on the bus, in a restaurant or just anywhere someone could be close by, we aim to give you the highest quality product possible at an affordable bang for your buck price that keeps your privacy private, your privacy is the key.

What are we selling? We are selling your privacy in the form of a screen protector for your phone that keeps unwanted leaks of your important information to any unwanted onlookers.?

Why did we create ANTI-SPY KING? Its simple really, everyone's privacy matters